
Church Community Development

We are doing major work in the community developing churches and shelters


Community Medical Walk-In clinic

The Merciful Foundation International. is pleased to announce the opening of a Community Medical Walk-In clinic.  This clinic is the only source of free healthcare in the area. Jamaica is a population of over 2.8 million.  There are between 30 and 40 hospitals and clinics in Jamaica. Those that have the funds for treatment will generally use private and/or public hospitals. The majority of the local population is unable to pay for private healthcare out of their own pocket.  Health care system has several issues with its infrastructure, and this has affected the availability and quality of care. Depending on your location in Jamaica, the healthcare facilities available might be somewhat restricted in terms of quantity. Comprehensive emergency care is only available in the cities of Kingston and Montego Bay. Outside of the larger cities or in remote parts of the country, emergency services are very limited in both quality and quantity.

With your help, your donation will advance in patient care

Agriculture and Farming

Fruit Trees

Planting fruit trees such as Banana,
Mango and Orange will help families
have fresh fruit to eat, and products
to sell at the local market.






You can help hungry families grow
food by supplying seeds, animal feed,
tools, fertilizers, pest control, and
training. Emergency food is also
provided to families in need.




Live Stock

A donation towards livestock and
agricultural products will support
and provide training and education
in animal husbandry and agricultural

Kindergarden and Adult Educational Services

Early childhood education includes children 1-6 years old.  It is every parents’ dream to see their child(ren) succeed in life through proper education.  Every parent encourages their children  about the importance of education in life and the advantages of education which would lead to a better future for them. While the Jamaican education is compulsory and free, some children loose out of this opportunity due to poverty.

Merciful Foundation International is making sure that children in their community can be reached so that they have the opportunity to get an education giving them a fair chance to be successful in life





The Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JFLL) is reporting that the country’s adult literacy rate is now at 87 per cent.(August 25, 2016). Read More. Literacy is defined as: Adult (15+) literacy rate (%). Total is the percentage of the population age 15 and above who can, with understanding, read and write a short, simple statement on their everyday life.

Merciful Foundation International is here to assist the adults falling in the category of illiterate,  give them a second chance to acquire an education that will equip them to be able to make effective decisions, fill out forms, apply for jobs that was out of reach, positively impact their lives, their families, their workplaces and their communities..

We do understand for some reason or the other that adults did not have a chance to go to school due to lack of money but we are here to provide the help that they need.

You could be part of this great project by helping us with your donation.